The Problem with Side Hustle Culture

Isaiah MacDonald
2 min readMar 30, 2022
Photo by Garrhet Sampson on Unsplash

You’ve probably seen more than a few posts on various social media platforms about how you can make 20k a month part-time on autopilot.

90% of these posts are just trying to sell you something but 10% of them are genuinely trying to help others make some money.

There is a serious issue though and it seems to permeate the culture in a bad way, that issue is the issue of human decency.

Unpacking the Issue

So what am I saying here, what is so indecent about side hustling? Well, the answer is nothing inherent, the issue is when the pursuit of money becomes everything and people mean nothing.

Something for Nothing

This pursuit of money, rather fast money makes it so these people are pushing ideas that may make you money but are always based in this idea of something for nothing.

Take some of the more famous ideas for example. One such idea is to take designs from Canva, put them on a Print-On-Demand shirt, and then sell them for a way higher price.

Now this is not an issue if you are truly putting work into it, creating unique designs, and making sure you’re using high quality suppliers. Just think however, if you’re on the receiving end of the shirt you spent 40$ on comes from a low end supplier with a design that's already falling off on an uncomfortable shirt.

The Solution

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

To fix this is rather simple, always put yourself in the position of whoever is giving you the money.

There is absolutely no issue with pursuing a better life or even money on autopilot but you should always be looking to contribute.

True money will come from when you try to find that side hustle that makes peoples lives better and make a difference.

It doesn’t have to be charity work but think of ideas like, getting an SEO cert and pursuing easy freelancer work.

You will actually contribute in a meaningful way and get paid for it quite handsomely. An added bonus is that you’ll feel a lot better about your work when you’re providing value to peoples lives instead of taking value away and giving it to yourself.

